Community development process

Wonderful that you arrived on this page! It means you want to be involved in the development of pib, and we would love to welcome you in our community!

We are free spirits and enjoy our freedom. Nevertheless we need to have some structure in pib’s development to reach common objectives, and that is what this community development process is for.

Keeping it as lean as possible, here are our principles:

  1. We create and common understanding of our ideas by explaining them in a ticket

  2. Everybody is welcome to contribute ideas (e.g. create tickets in the backlog)

  3. Nevertheless, if a ticket is implemented in the official pib CAD/Software/Tutorials/Shop is up to the result of the corresponding discussions. Decisions will be justified and made transparent


Here is a template on how to write Jira tickets for our open source project. Please read it.

Writing a ticket

We write our tickets as user stories which describe a certain functionality from the user's point of view.

For this, we use a simple structure:

  • Name of user story

  • Description

  • Further requirements if needed

  • Acceptance criteria

  • Appendix if needed

An example of a user story

Name of user story

Please write a short name of the user story. This name is shown in the kanban board overview, therefore it is important that the name is clear and unique.


We would appreciate it if you would use the following structure for writing the description of the user story:

As a … [persona],

I … [want to],

… [so that].

For example: As pib-maker (= persona) I want the robot to be aesthetic and truly humoid (= want to), to mach an average human´s dimension (= so that).

Further requirements (if needed)

If you want to add more requirements to your story, you can do so here.

Acceptance criteria

Acceptance criteria are an extremely important part of the user story and must not be omitted.

With these, you define key results that must be fulfilled by the user story. With acceptance criteria, the requester describes how he would test the correct implementation of the user story. This is helpful for both understanding and testing the user story.

Appendix (if needed)

If you have attachments such as pictures, tables, drawings, etc., you can attach them here.


Ticket-lifecycle and board

Here we describe, how the board is used.

Our board consists of the following colums:

  • Backlog

  • Refining Ideas

  • Ready

  • In progress

  • Verify by team

  • Done


How to work in our kanban board



This is our idea pool! Ideas on the board are called tickets.

Everybody can submit their ticket here. We strive to achieve a high quality in writing our ticket. Therefore, please consider our “How to write a ticket” guide above. (in progress)



Jürgen will pull tickets from the Backlog into REFINING IDEAS to discuss them and maybe add some details. He´ll probably will come back to you to ask some questions.



JĂĽrgen will pull tickets from Refining ideas into READY when they are discussed and fully understood.

They are now ready for you to work on.



Please pull your ticket into IN PROGRESS when you want to work on it. Please assign yourself to the tickets for others to know who is currently working on the ticket.



Please pull your ticket into VERIFY BY TEAM when you are finished with working on it.

It will then be verified by our team. If questions arise, there will be written in the comments and you can answer them.



JĂĽrgen will pull tickets into DONE when they are reviewed and verified by the team. The task is now successfully finished.

Thank you for your help and contribution on pib! We are very grateful for that!